之前有說過 , Astro 可以設定成 SSR mode , 當我們使用 SSR Server 在服務使用者時
其實後面就是在運行一個 Node Server , 因此 Node 中 http 套件終能做到的事情都可以做到
不過 , Astro 有定義 Endpoints 這個東西 , 提供我們較簡易的 HTTP API 功能
In addition to the GET function, you can export a function with the name of any HTTP method. When a request comes in, Astro will check the method and call the corresponding function.
You can also export an ALL function to match any method that doesn’t have a corresponding exported function. If there is a request with no matching method, it will redirect to your site’s 404 page.
export const GET: APIRoute = ({ params, request }) => {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({
message: "This was a GET!"
export const POST: APIRoute = ({ request }) => {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({
message: "This was a POST!"
export const DELETE: APIRoute = ({ request }) => {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({
message: "This was a DELETE!"
export const ALL: APIRoute = ({ request }) => {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({
message: `This was a ${request.method}!`